Guns, Germs and Steel
Why the West Rules
The Prize
The Reckoning
The Visible Hand
Ashes to Ashes
Poor Charlie's Almanack
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Engines That Move Markets
Bloomberg by Bloomberg
Autopsy of a Merger
Les Schwab: Pride in Performance
Special Situation Investing
Junk to Gold
Riches Among the Ruins
The Billionaire Who Wasn't
John D Rockefeller's Secret Weapon
Warren Buffett's letters to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders
Mark Leonard’s letters to Constellation Software shareholders
Jeff Bezos's letters to Amazon shareholders
Jeff Harp's letters to Trinity Bank shareholders
Nick Sleep's letters to Nomad limited partners
Warren Buffett's Notre Dame lecture
Li Lu's Columbia Business School lecture
Jared Diamond's Museum of Natural History lecture
Richard Zeckhauser's Investing in the Unknown and Unknowable
Dan Juran's Swedish Match for Independence
Warren Buffett's Microsoft email
Bernard Anzarouth's Jack Henry writeup